Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break Send-Off

Derryfield has a tradition of an all-school meeting immediately before departing for spring break. The request goes out days beforehand asking the faculty and staff to consider performing or saying a few words or generally taking the stage the way our students do every Monday. In this way the adults return some of the favor that our students routinely model during our weekly all-school meetings.

I decided on an illustrated talk combining a few of my photos, as well as ideas that speak to some of what I have learned since being at our extraordinary school. The title of the piece, and the refrain that introduced each picture, is called “I Want to Find a School.” Enjoy.

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I want to find a school filled with fantastic people and an inspiring sense of education. All kinds of people and all kinds of life will recognize that something extraordinary is happening at that school, and they will all want to be there.

I want to find a school where I don’t understand everything that is happening at every moment. People will understand, though, that they are surrounded by a mysterious degree of excellence that ignites their curiosity and makes the atmosphere exciting. The community will be filled with smart people who think differently, respect each other, and learn from each other.

I want to find a school where people are having fun, being playful, not taking themselves too seriously. The school will have an innate sense of joy, both for its own sake, and because it actually makes the learning better. Sometimes the fun will happen when we are alone.

And sometimes the fun will happen when we are together. But either way, people will be putting their energy, their effort, their best out there – they will be trying to be their best all the time.

I want to find a school that has “change the world” on its To Do list. This school will be a place that always thinks about, and acts on, serving others. At the same time, that school will be aware of its own abundance, its own good fortune, and will have a pervasive attitude of gratitude in the hallways, in the classrooms, and on the playing fields.

I want to find a school filled with courage, where bold people embrace big ideas, big goals, and overcome big obstacles - always with respect and always with humility. But nonetheless, that school will always seek to go for it, to try.

I want to find a school filled with exceptional individuals, and exceptional individual effort. That effort will not always look squeaky clean - hard work and determination often leads to some messiness. But those individuals will always keep trying. The people in that school will bring their “A” game every day.

I want to find a school where exceptional individual effort is balanced, valued and complemented by caring, kind, supportive teammates. Everyone in that school will bring out the best in each other – teams will challenge individuals, and individuals will inspire their teams. The entire community will understand that the most important aspect of what they do each day is not for sale, is essentially priceless – I mean, of course, the act of caring. The people at that school will understand they cannot go it alone. They will understand they need help from caring friends and teammates.

I want to find a school filled with enthusiasm for its mission, and for each other. That school will be defined by cool, fun, passionate and committed teachers, and will be filled with great, inspiring young people.

When we find that school, it will be great in ways we won’t even understand in the moment. It will be filled with joy, spirit and a sense that we are all a part of something simply exceptional. It will combine inspiring individuals, pointing to the sky with conviction, and committed friends and teammates - people you can rely on, people with whom you want to share spring break.

When we find that school . . . great, wonderful, surprising things will happen.

Enjoy your spring break. Be safe, and we will see you in two weeks.