Thursday, September 15, 2011

In Preparation for the September 11th Anniversary

September 9th 2011

Dear Derryfield Parents,

The Derryfield faculty has thoughtfully considered ways to discuss the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11, and you have an important part in the learning process.

Today during Activities period faculty met with small groups to contemplate questions, knowing I would share these questions with you via e-mail.

By way of background, the Derryfield faculty were instructed as follows:  
“we do not expect faculty to be experts on events of this day and its political
implications. Further, in exploring 9/11 you should feel free to stay within
your emotional comfort zone…. Feel free to bring materials that you feel
most comfortable with. In essence we hope to memorialize this day, honor
those who lost their lives and honor those who in trying to save others also
lost their lives.”
During our All School Meeting on Monday, September 12th at 10:45a.m. our
hope is that students will be willing to share (in a kind of “open-mic” format)
a 30 to 45 second memory or reaction that they either learned from discussions
with their parents over the weekend, or had themselves, in response to the
following questions -

· How did you feel the day and/or week of 9/11?

· What were your most distinct memories of 9/11?

· How do you think 9/11 should be remembered?

· What does 9/11 symbolize for America and/or Americans?

We expect All School Meeting to last about 30 minutes. We will close with a moment of silent reflection, followed by an invitation to join Concert Choir in singing America the Beautiful.

Great teaching includes the ability to ask simple questions that speak directly to the heart of a matter. Powerful learning presumes the ability to listen with empathy. I hope you agree that your role is essential, and that discussing these questions with your child is worthy of your time and attention.

A final point: consider attending our All-School Meeting on Monday. Your presence is always welcome, and you will add measurably to the way we honor the day.


Craig N. Sellers

Head of School

PS – Our Families core value reads “We embrace the family's role in the life of our day school, celebrating collaboration between home and school.”