Sunday, October 10, 2010

Faculty & Staff Updates

I try to write to the faculty & staff at Derryfield fairly often about a variety of issues. No one needs more e-mail to sort through, so I don't overdo it, but pick my spots around issues, things we are doing well, things we have to keep working on.

Here's an example of a very positive update to the faculty & staff that reflects the last few weeks:


I’ve been in the amazing position the last few weeks of getting more accolades for our faculty staff than I can pass on in a timely manner. It started with Grandparents and Special Friends Day – we simply inspired and uplifted so many people. My In Box was full, and I shared the commendations with many of you individually.

The following, with slight editing, are two of the many pieces I have received since then:

"Mr. Sellers - I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to you and all the staff at Derryfield. Way too often, we only hear things which are negative in nature. I felt like maybe it would be nice to end the week with a positive note!

Our son in high school is new to Derryfield, and he comes home daily and speaks about his experiences for an hour or more. We often have to push him to finish up his conversations about the day so that he can eat dinner and tackle homework, etc. Comparing this to his previous academic experiences where we had to drag information out of him, this is an amazing transformation. Recently, when his grade on a writing assignment was not where he wanted it to be, there was a note from the teacher on the assignment requesting a meeting to work on his skills.

Wow! So amazing to know that our child is being taught and educated. He now understands how to improve his writing skills, not an easy process but a skill which is essential for future success.

Thanks again for all you are doing and thanks for making the first month an incredible experience for our son. He actually looks forward to school - can you imagine??"

* * * *

"Mr. Sellers,

Our daughter came home today with a story about her day at school that shows an aspect of how Derryfield is different.
She was eating lunch in the cafeteria. After she was done, she emptied her tray into the trash. After lunch she realized that her new glasses had been on her lunch tray and were now buried at the bottom of the trash barrel under the leftovers of dozens of middle school lunches.

She explained the situation to a MS teacher, and she got our daughter some gloves to wear while picking through the trash. Initially she was assisted just by her friend. Then the friend brought over the other trash can and together they started transferring the trash from one can to the other in search of the glasses.

At my middle school retrieving one's glasses from the bottom of a lunchroom trash barrel would have been an unpleasant and lonely task. The best one could expect would be to be aided by perhaps one close friend while enduring the taunts of classmates who would be greatly entertained by observing and commenting on your misfortune.
But that's not what happened.

One by one, other students saw what was going on and came over to help. In the end, over a half dozen students volunteered their help and spent their recess period sifting through the contents of the trash barrel. Some didn't wait for gloves to arrive and used paper towels to protect their hands; improvising an alternate safe method to help. The glasses were found. Then everyone cleaned up and headed off to class.

The students who volunteered took the opportunity to support the standards of the school. They treated a fellow classmate in need with care and respect. They volunteered for a fairly distasteful chore to help a classmate and through their actions helped build a sense of community and maintained the good nature of the school.

Thank you (and your students) for making Derryfield a special place. Parents"

* * *

I’ve had a terrific trip to Dallas, and spent an exuberant evening with alumni on Friday. More on that later – for now, I hope you are enjoying your weekend knowing we are part of a remarkable school.


Thinking About Headship

The National Association of Independent School ("NAIS") has done a lot of thinking about Headship, and how to categorize and measure the different skills that comprise the job.

They put it this way: “Our competency modeling identifies 14 domains that are highly relevant for headship:

  • Adaptability
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Financial acumen
  • Decision making
  • Diversity
  • School mission and values
  • Leadership
  • Social awareness
  • Managerial effectiveness
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Vision
  • Emotional intelligence

I think the list represents a good start.

Grandparents & Special Friends Day

Good morning and welcome to October, welcome to The Derryfield School, and welcome to our Grandparents & Special Friends Day. My name is Craig Sellers and I have the honor of starting our Assembly today.

I would first like to thank our faculty & staff for working to make this day so uplifting and so inviting to you, our guests.

Thank you, faculty, for inspiring not just one generation but several generations of students this morning.

Next, thanks to the wonderful volunteers of our PFA led by Patricia Barstow. They were here last night until late working hard, and they were here this morning putting the finishing touches on the gathering in our gym. From the invitations to the signs to the schedule, thank you for all the attention to detail that helped to make the day so successful.

And of course, a special thank you to Dianne Allen, our Alumni Coordinator and PFA Liason – Di, I can’t imagine doing this without you and your cheerful leadership – thank you.

I am in my fourth year at Derryfield, and each year I look forward to the unique feeling we get from this day. I look forward to it because I am enormously proud of our faculty, and of the care and professionalism they bring to their roles and to your grandchildren and special friends. I simply like being there to hear your reactions, and to watch as you get excited about learning in the same way our students do every day.

I look forward to this day because I am very proud of our students, the way they handle themselves, and the way they extend themselves to visitors. I enjoy seeing that they are proud of our school, and they want to share their enthusiasm with family and friends. The comfort and ease of our students is evident, and their presence is the bright center of a learning environment designed to stimulate creativity, community and character.

Lastly, I look forward to today because I miss my grandparents, and your presence reminds me of all the good they brought into my life. I am quite sure I would not be standing here today – would not have found myself at home working in a school – had it not been for my grandparents. And I want to take just a few moments this morning to tell you a story of how this 48 year old grandchild was supported, influenced and encouraged by a grandparents.

I’ll tell you this story not because I think it is particularly unique, but because I am in a room full of special people who are doing the exact same thing right now for their grandchildren and special friends, as my grandparents did for me.

I never met two of my grandparents, and I told the story last school year of my grandfather on my dad’s side who was spotted playing baseball by a prominent business man who offered a college scholarship to my grandfather if he would play for the business man’s alma mater. My grandfather went home that day to his parents who were coal miners, asked them what they thought of this place called Swarthmore the man had told him about – they had never heard of it, but they said to give it a try because the coal mines would always be there.

No one on my dad’s side of the family attended college before that moment. No one has not gone to college since.

Recently I got to thinking about my grandmother on my mom’s side of the family because of an article in the Sunday New York Times about the latest new, amazing, high-tech gadget pen.

The article describes a seventh grade math class in California that has been “outfitted with ‘smart pens,’ and the pens perform an interesting trick: when students write in their notebooks, the pen records audio of whatever is going on around it and links the audio to the handwritten words. If the written notes are inadequate, the students can tap the pen on a sentence or word, and the pen plays what the teacher was saying at that precise point.

A student showed the author how it worked, flipping to her page of notes on exponents and tapping a set of numbers in the middle of the page. Out of a tiny speaker in the thick, cigar-shaped pen, the author could hear the teacher explaining that precise problem. “It’s like having your own little personal teacher there, with you at all times,” the student said.

Now this is where I have to go sideways for just a moment and tell you that when I lived in New York City in a small apartment I collected fountain pens, and really immersed myself in the history, the design, the technology and the beauty of these creations. It was a great city hobby, in part because pens don’t take-up take much space, and because the city had fountain pen stores scattered all around it.

My mom learned about this and during one of her visits she gave me her mom’s – my grandmother’s – fountain pen. It is a Parker 51 – in good shape, perfectly fine with an original nib, somewhat valuable, and these pen-geek descriptors are utterly beside the point. Because I learned from my mom that this pen was the only pen my grandmother would write with – she got it as a present from her husband who had died suddenly – my grandfather I never knew. And somewhat unexpectedly the memories began to pour forth.

This is the pen my grandmother used to sign the checks that helped pay for my independent school –

I have no doubt many of you in this room help in that way - I find that extraordinary, and I want to thank you.

This is the pen she was holding when she explained to me why she gave to her college’s annual fund, and why she thought it important that she do the same for my high school. You see, her principal had told her she could be anything she wanted as long as it was a nurse. But she wanted to be a writer, and she was forever grateful to Mount Holyoke, who she felt took a chance on her. So she gave to Mount Holyoke, and she gave to my schools.

Again, I know many of you contribute in this way - and I find extraordinary, and I want to thank you.

And this is the pen she used to write me all those letters when she knew I needed encouragement. She wrote chatty updates, and was endlessly fascinated about the details of the weather on cape cod. I didn’t save a single one of her letters - and I know there were dozens and dozens and dozens – but I have the pen she used to write each one.

But what I really have, is the feeling of someone who cared for me, who believed in me, who took the time to tell me stories about family, and about what it means to be a good person. I have those just as much as I have her pen right now.

I’ll leave you with these closing thoughts –

Before fountain pens there were quill pens.

And after fountain pens came ball point pens.

And after ball point pens there are – what did the New York Times call them? – “smart pens” - that talk back to you.

And I want to remind that the technology will continue to change, but what you did today is timeless. What you did today matters.

Because whether you are a volunteer, or faculty and staff, today you inspired bright motivated people of many ages.

Because you adults - You spent time with your grandchild, family member or special friends.

Because you students - You spent time with your grandparent, your family member or special friend.

The technology will come and go - but today for a few hours we did something that lasts. We spent time together learning, laughing and enjoying each other.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for your support, for sharing your time and your hearts with each other in this remarkable school.

And finally I would ask that you consider picking up a pen – whether it talks back to you or not – and writing a note of gratitude to someone you spent time with today.

The person you write to might not save the note, but they’ll remember how you made them feel for a long, long time.

Now it is my pleasure to introduce our concert choir.